Edaiva Jobs - FAQ

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Check our FAQ’s for quick answer to frequently asked questions we receive. If you have other questions write.


FAQ regarding Candidate

To create an account on our platform, you can click on the "Register" button at the top of the page. You will be prompted to enter your email address, password, and basic personal information. Once you have completed the registration process, you will receive an email to confirm your account..

To apply for a job on our platform, you will need to create an account and log in. Once you are logged in, you can search for jobs by location, industry, and job type. When you find a job that you are interested in, you can click on the "Apply" button to submit your application. 

To update your resume and personal information on our platform, you will need to log in and go to the "Edit Profile" section of your account. Here you can upload your resume, update your personal information, and add your work experience and education.

You can track the progress of your job applications by going to the "Applications" section of your account. Here you can view the status of your applications, schedule interviews, and receive offer letters. 

You can get notified of new job opportunities on our platform by going to the "Notifications" section of your account and enabling email notifications. 

Just testing again FAQ's!


FAQ regarding Recruiter

To post a job on our platform, you will need to create an account and log in. Once you are logged in, you can click on the "Post a Job" button and fill out the required information such as job title, description, location, and qualifications. You can also add additional information such as company culture, benefits, and salary range.

Our platform offers a lifetime opportunity to post free internship vacancies and 2 free active job posts. But for extra jobs post, Recruiters can avail of the different packages available on our website. 

To search for candidates on our platform, you can use the search bar located at the top of the page. You can search for candidates by location, industry, and job type. You can also filter your search by qualifications, experience, and skills.

Our platform enables the recruiters to conduct the interview process on our website itself, without any third-party interference. You can schedule an interview with a candidate by clicking on the "Schedule Interview" button on their profile. You can also conduct the interview through our built-in video conferencing feature. 

There is no restriction on candidates' details. You can view as many candidates as you need to find the right fit for your organization. 


FAQ regarding Learning

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